Oregon Maternal Data Center

User-friendly data for effective quality improvement

Oregon Maternal Data Center

User-friendly data for effective quality improvement

Hospitals in Oregon can participate in the Maternal Data Center (MDC), a dynamic web-based and low burden tool that simplifies quality improvement reporting on over 100 maternal and newborn measures. 73% of births in Oregon were captured in the MDC in 2023!

Participating hospitals submit files with hospital discharge data-that they already collect- along with clinical data that can be generated from the electronic health record. Robust perinatal performance metrics with benchmarking data are generated automatically and teams can drill down to the patient level.

Key features that make the Maternal Data Center a valuable quality improvement tool include:

Key features that make the Maternal Data Center a valuable quality improvement tool include:

  • Generation of national endorsed perinatal quality metrics, that are updated as measure specifications update

  • Ability to monitor provider level quality metrics

  • Robust comparisons and benchmarking

  • Monitoring hospital performance over time

  • Ability to easily drill down and identify hospital specific QI opportunities

  • Ability to aggregate and disaggregate data by race/ethnicity to identify disparities within the hospital

  • Strong data quality metrics that allow easy tracking and resolving of issues impacting data quality, including ICD 10 coding issues

  • Free user group meetings to support optimal use of the tool

  • Facilitation of performance reporting requirements to national programs such as Leapfrog and the Joint Commission Ongoing Professional Practice Evaluation Program (OPPE)

The Maternal Data is used by quality improvement teams across the state of Oregon, in hospitals of every size, to not only monitor quality improvement but to inform data driven solutions to quality improvement initiatives at the local and state level.

Participation in the Oregon Maternal Data Center is fee based. For more information on the fee structure and what is included in the fee, contact Ami Hanna at ahanna@comagine.org. Additional information about the MDC is available here.

Practice Group: Cesarean Birth

Example: Measure Stratification by Race-Ethnicity

Timely Treatment of Severe Hypertension

Trend: Cesarean Birth

Breitenberg Medical Center