Oregon Perinatal Collaborative

Everyone in Oregon, will have access to and receive high-quality maternal and neonatal care to optimize health.


Everyone in Oregon, will have access to and receive high-quality maternal and neonatal care to optimize health.

About OPC

We work together to improve care and outcomes for Oregon mothers, birthing people, and newborns through collaboration, implementation of evidence-based practice, and policy change.

Workgroup: OPC Newborn Resuscitation Improvement

The OPC is looking for people who are excited about improving newborn resuscitation in Oregon to join a workgroup that will meet monthly for five to six months during the planning phase to provide expert input on the development of the toolkit and the initiative.

For this initiative, which requires significant coordination across disciplines, we would like to have a broad range of participants in the workgroup in the following roles:

Nurse leader | Resuscitation nurse at LDRP and at level III hospital |  Pediatrician |  Neonatal nurse practitioner | Family practice physician  |  CNM  |  Respiratory therapist  |  Anesthesia provider  |  Community midwife  |  Paramedic  |  Emergency room physician

Workgroup participation is flexible and open to people who can commit to all the meetings as well as others who might want to come only to a focused meeting on their area of expertise or be part of revision of draft documents. Workgroup meetings will begin in January 2025.  

Please click the link below to join the OPC newborn resuscitation workgroup and contact Laurel Durham (durhaml@ohsu.edu) or Silke Akerson (akersons@ohsu.edu) with questions.

2024 Annual OPC Summit – Recording Available Now!

The OPC would like to thank all the presenters and attendees of the 2024 OPC Annual Summit!

The session recordings and presentation materials are available at the link below.  On this page you will find links to the full recording, as well as individual recordings and slides for each of the presentations. No log in is necessary to access the material, and the link can be shared with anyone.

We are already looking forward to next year’s summit, which will be on October 17th, 2025.  Save the date now, and keep an eye out for updates on registration.