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Exciting News in 2024! 

OPC Severe Hypertension in Pregnancy Initiative

Oregon Perinatal Collaborative (OPC) is currently developing our next initiative focused on severe hypertension in pregnancy and the postpartum period. The first workgroup meeting to develop the toolkit was held on January 25th, and we expect to be ready to enroll participants starting in May or June. If you are interested in getting involved please contact Phillip Wetmore at   For more information on the Alliance for Innovation on Maternal Health’s Patient Safety Bundle on Severe Hypertension in Pregnancy, follow this link for a list of resources.

OPC Hospital Outreach Initiative

The Oregon Perinatal Collaborative will be visiting all 47 birthing hospitals in Oregon in 2024 to build relationships and to ensure that our quality improvement initiatives are responsive to the needs of Oregon hospitals and communities. We’ll be reaching out to schedule a listening session with maternal and newborn staff leaders at each hospital to learn about the challenges hospitals face in providing care and how the OPC could support each hospital in quality improvement. We’re looking forward to these meetings! Have a contact at your hospital OPC should reach out to? Please contact

Oregon Maternal Data Center (OMDC) Refresher Training 

California Maternal Quality Care Collaborative will be hosting a Maternal Data Center (MDC) Refresher Training specifically for hospitals outside of California! This webinar is a review of the basic functionality of the MDC and is intended for new MDC users, as well as any users who would like a review. 

If your hospital participates in the OMDC, please encourage any staff who are interested in learning more to attend this free webinar. Please register in advance. 

CHAMPS National Collaborative 

CHAMPS National is a new nationwide program by the Center for Health Equity, Education, and Research (CHEER) to improve maternity care practices supportive of breastfeeding. The program aims to decrease racial disparities in hospital breastfeeding rates, especially among groups at the highest risk of not breastfeeding.

CHAMPS National is currently working to enroll 100 hospitals across the U.S. and in U.S. territories. Enrolled hospitals will receive free training and support from a diverse team of interdisciplinary experts to safely implement the Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding. We ask that hospitals interested in joining CHAMPS National complete the form on our website.

Subscribe to the AIM Forward Newsletter

AIMForward is a general newsletter published by the Alliance for Innovation on Maternal Health (AIM) sharing the latest resources, upcoming events and more for the AIM TA Center. You can expect a new issue of AIMForward on the first Friday of every month. Share widely with your networks and encourage them to subscribe to stay up-to-date.  Subscribe here!

The Irth app

The Maternal and Child Health Section of the Oregon Health Authority will be hosting a virtual presentation on Thursday, Feb. 15, about the Irth app with its founder, Kimberly Seals Allers. Irth (“as in Birth, but we dropped the B for bias”) is the first of its kind “Yelp-like” review and rating platform for Black and brown women and birthing people to find and leave reviews of their Ob/GYNS, hospitals and pediatricians. 

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Our work is supported by cooperative agreement NU58DP006358, funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as well as funding from the Oregon Chapter of the March of Dimes. Additional in-kind donations have been made through Comagine Health, Oregon Health & Science University, and our generous volunteers.

Oregon Perinatal Collaborative

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